699 research outputs found

    Nursing education for community care:Effect of curriculum-redesign on students’ perceptions and choices in caregiving

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    Community care is becoming increasingly important. In the Netherlands, the percentage of people over the age of 65 is expected to increase to 22% by 2025, leading to more elderly patients, often with long-term and complex health problems (multimorbidity). Because many of these patients continue to live at home until a very old age, nurses are increasingly working outside of institutions. The 17 Dutch Bachelor nursing programmes responded to this development with a new national education profile 'Bachelor Nursing 2020 (BN2020)’ with more elements of community care. However, despite the increase in extramural care, the Dutch labour market has a shortage of community nurses with higher professional education qualifications, partly because most nursing students focus on the general hospital setting as the environment for their future career. Whether this is based on a perception of community care that deters making this choice has never been systematically investigated. It is also unclear whether a more community-oriented curriculum will better equip students for working in community care. In response to these issues, the nursing programme at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) redesigned its curriculum to include more elements of community care. Three perspectives were chosen for the redesign: (1) the influence of lecturers as role models, (2) positive placement experiences, and (3) five new ‘community-based’ themes in education. These new themes are as follows: patient self-management, shared decision-making, collaboration with the patients’ social system, healthcare technology, and allocation of care. The redesign also includes a ‘paved way’ into community care in the form of a coherent and attractive programme for interested students. This thesis describes whether and how the curriculum-redesign within higher professional education in nursing can be effective in terms of (1) stimulating a positive perception of community care and (2) realising a form of community care in line with the new themes in BN2020. In other words, that students will base choices in their actions/nursing interventions on these new themes in the education profile

    Comparison of relativistic bound-state calculations in Front-Form and Instant-Form Dynamics

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    Using the Wick-Cutkosky model and an extended version (massive exchange) of it, we have calculated the bound states in a quantum field theoretical approach. In the light-front formalism we have calculated the bound-state mass spectrum and wave functions. Using the Terent'ev transformation we can write down an approximation for the angular dependence of the wave function. After calculating the bound-state spectra we characterized all states found. Similarly, we have calculated the bound-state spectrum and wave functions in the instant-form formalism. We compare the spectra found in both forms of dynamics in the ladder approximation and show that in both forms of dynamics the O(4) symmetry is broken.Comment: 22 pages Latex, 7 figures, style file amssymb use

    Relativistic bound-state calculations in Light Front Dynamics

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    We calculated bound states in the quantum field theoretical approach. Using the Wick-Cutkosky model and an extended version of this model (in which a particle with finite mass is exchanged) we have calculated the bound states in the scalar case.Comment: 3 pages, proceedings of the Light Cone Meeting Trento 2001, to be published in Nucl. Phys. B - Proceedings Supplement

    De ontwikkeling van het bijenvolk en dracht: De gevorderde imker

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    Veel imkers hebben het idee dat suiker voeren altijd goed is voor een bijenvolk. Maar is dat ook zo? Zonder dracht (nectar en stuifmeel) kan een bijenvolk zich niet ontwikkelen. Toch is dracht niet bepalend voor die ontwikkeling. In de loop van de evolutie heeft het bijenvolk geleerd met de onbetrouwbaarheid van dracht om te gaan. Enerzijds met een ontwikkelingsplan dat het volk uitvoert ongeacht de dracht, anderzijds met het aanleggen van voorraden

    Een val voor de varroamijt

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    In de loop der jaren zijn er verschillende methoden ontwikkeld om zonder gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen toch voldoende varroamijten uit onze volken te verwijderen om ze vitaal te houden. We kennen de arrestraammethode die aan het einde van de voorjaarsontwikkeling toegepast kan worden. Het is een effectieve methode, maar de meeste imkers vinden haar nogal bewerkelijk. Verder kennen we de methode om begin augustus alle broed uit het bijenvolk te verwijderen, in Duitsland bekend onder de naam ‘Teilen und Behandeln’. Een rigoureuze maatregel die imkers tegen de borst stuit omdat er zoveel broed wordt opgeruimd

    Van halen naar roven

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    Bijen hebben suiker nodig en die zoeken ze in bloemen, bij bladluizen en bij extraflorale nectariën. Bij rijke bloemendracht zoeken speurbijen niet eens andere drachtbronnen en kan een raampje met honing lange tijd onaangeroerd naast de bijenwoning blijven staan. Maar als de dracht op bloemen het laat afweten gaan bijen op zoek naar iets anders

    Yeast physiology and flavour formation during production of alcohol-free beer

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    Production of alcohol-free beer is performed with immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. uvarum . In the reactor, combined stress factors such as low temperature (0-4°C) and anaerobic conditions limit cell metabolism.Cells of S. cerevisiae are able to grow as low as -2°C. Although sugar metabolism is instantaneously and similar in cells grown at high or low temperature, respiration differs significantly. Latter cells do not show substrate-induced respiration in spite of the presence of active mitochondria and biomass yield was substantially reduced.We noticed an increase in reductive capacity of yeasts grown under anaerobic conditions and we subsequently purified and characterized a novel NADP-dependent branched-chain ADH. Based on the high reductive activity with 3-methylbutanal at physiological pH and higher ionic strength, the enzyme will have an important function in reduction of Strecker aldehydes during alcoholic fermentation.The activity of the bcADH and the influence of immobilization on cell physiology were further monitored during alcohol-free beer production. Higher activities of glycolytic enzymes, and the bcADH were observed compared to those in batch grown cells. In addition, glucose flux was increased. The shifts in enzyme activities and glucose flux correlate with a higher in vivo reduction capacity of the immobilized cells.Formation of ester and diacetyl by immobilized yeast cells were investigated. Due to the anaerobic conditions, acetate ester production and in vitro enzyme activity increase simultaneous with the decrease in unsaturated fatty acids. Sterol metabolism is blocked; consequently, squalene accumulates. Despite the presence of active acetohydroxy acid synthase, no diacetyl-precursor is formed at low temperatures.S. cerevisiae W34 flocculates at the end of the exponential growth phase. Grown at low temperatures, cells have a higher flocculation capacity and a higher cell wall hydrophobicity. The immobilization of cells to DEAE-cellulose is influenced by both charge differences between cell wall and carrier and flocculation characteristics.In conclusion, immobilized cells show some unique physiological features at low temperatures. These contribute positively to the limited fermentation of wort to alcohol-free beer.</p

    Inzoemen - februari

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    Een strenge of een zachte winter, bijenvolken zijn uitstekend in staat dit seizoen door te komen. Daarover hoeven we ons geen zorgen te maken. Als we dat toch doen, komt dat meestal omdat de imker in het najaar iets is ontgaa

    Europees vuilbroed

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    Een overzicht van bijenziekten : Europees vuilbroed, meiziekte, wasmotten, zakbroed en varroamijt en andere ongewenste gasten

    Verdwijnt geteelde koningin vaker?

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    Het was een imker opgevallen dat hij nogal eens gemerkte koniginnen kwijt was. Hij vermoedde diefstal als oorzaak maar een stille moerwisseling is een meer voor de hand ligende reden. Het bijenvolk wisselt stil van moer als het niet meer 'tevreden' is over haar koningin
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